As a thumb-rule, transcription turnaround time will greatly depend on the type of transcription job. For instance, if you need to get minutes of corporate meeting transcribed, we will delegate the job to a specialized professional to maintain highest level of standard and accuracy.
The turnaround time we mention is in business days (weekends and national holidays excluded).
The turnaround time we quote commences the next business day. For example, if you place the order on Tuesday with turnaround time of 2 days, the completed job will be delivered to you by Thursday evening or Friday morning. We have listed out standard turnaround times for each type of transcription job for your reference and convenience.
Though we try to stick to deadlines mentioned by us, unavoidable circumstances at times may delay things marginally. If we manage the complete the job early, the completed job will be delivered early. On the other hand, if the job gets delayed, we will intimate you. Take into consideration +/- 1 days while placing the order.
Rush transcription job order are extremely time sensitive and come with 24-hour turnaround guarantee. If we fail to deliver the job on time, the rush job charges will be waived off.
If you place the order for transcribing digital files, ensure the files are uploaded before 3:30 PM EST. In case of audio tapes, CDs, DVDs, the media device should reach us before 2:30 PM EST.
Due to high-demand for our rush transcription jobs, we can take only limited number of orders. Thus if the rush job is for more than 5 hours of transcription, please call us and confirm availability.
If the transcription order is in the range of 5 to 7 hours, we consider it as a large order with conditionally guaranteed turnaround time. However, if the order is for more than 7 hours, add an additional day for each 5 hours of audio. Say for instance, five hours of audio transcription will be delivered within a day. A 10 hour audio thus will be delivered in 2 business days and so on.
If any particular tape or file needs to be done first, please mention so while placing the order. This will help us to prioritize the workflow effectively.
If you need the transcript with time-stamps, please allot us one additional day for completing the job.