Easy setup: Plug in the USB charger and insert the regular-size USB card into the device, and you are good to go
If you don’t have the USB wall charger, just plug it into the laptop USB, and it will work fine.
Multiple slide scanning options like 110/135 beside the regular 35mm frame.
Some options to optimize slide colors.
No need for any technical knowledge.
Scans of really good quality, and you can see them before saving them on a little iPhone size screen.
Good for large volumes of slides, and it saves you $1000s of bucks.
Saves images as 14Mb or 22MB.
Fixed scanning of 5700 x 3800 resolution (approximately). Enough to see on a large monitor without any issue.
It doesn’t have a batch scanning option. You will have to pick up each slide one by one. It all depends upon your speed. The unit takes 2-4 sec . to scan.
It cannot use a larger SD card, and 32GB is the largest it will take.