Slide Scanning To DVD Maryland

Slides Types

If you're looking for the best service for converting all your important and irreplaceable film and video files into digital format, you've come to the right place!

At Mister Video, we use the highest level of technology to convert your 35mm slides to digital format! Have your data either uploaded to the internet, or saved onto a disc! Our Washington DC location houses innovative equipment and the highest resolution options in the business. You can view your files and even delete images online.

35mm slide    35mm super slide 110 Format slide transfer   126 format slide transfer   127 Format   127 Super

$0.49/slide upto 500 (2000 dpi, jpeg)

Minimum $95.00

Scanning Options

Scan It Yourself

  1. Comes with installation disc
  2. Online Manual
  3. Batch Scanner
  4. Power Cable
  5. Scan to PC/MAC

Let Us Scan

  1. Scanning at 2000-4000dpi
  2. Photoshop Adjustments
  3. Save on DVD/Hardrive.
  4. Fast turnaround

Rent A Projector

Or just rent a projector to view the slides. Rents only for $95.00 per day


$0.49/slide @ 2000dpi
Minimum $95.00
Quantity discount available.

Digital Color Correction!

Standard Editing - Once the slide images are scanned, they undergo digital editing, which is FREE of charge to our clients! Images will also undergo fade correction and automated color balance. This is called service A

Premium Editing- We offer more in-depth attention and editing for slide images if our clients request it. We'll do our very best to make your image look as good as possible! This process involves manual touch and extra time is psent to adjust colors, gamma, contrast and overall image quality.

Multimedia Services

In addition to slide and film scanning, we also transfer the following formats onto DVD:

▪ Video Tape (VHS, VHS-C, Hi8, & 8mm digital tape transfer → DVD) to .mov/AVI
▪ Super8 with or without sound → hard drive like a thumb drive.
▪ 35mm movie film, 8mm and 16mm movie film → digital

At Mister Video, we understand that the contents on your cassettes hold precious memories, and as such, we'll handle your film with great care. We have a ton of experience, and treat each of our clients' film as if it were our own. We never leave a customer unsatisfied!

All Industries in Washington DC Served!

No matter what industry you hail from, our services will be sure to meet your needs.

▪ Corporations
▪ Doctors and dentists
▪ Government agencies
▪ Sports organizations
▪ Libraries
▪ Teachers
▪ Colleges and universities

Types of Films We Cover

▪ Negatives (35mm/Medium)
▪ 35mm Slides
▪ 35 Super
▪ 110, 126, 127, Stereo
▪ Movie film
▪ Photos

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Cutting Edge Equipment and Technique

At Mister Video, we use nothing but the latest in technology for our scanners. We are constantly upgrading our equipment with the latest innovations in the industry, employing only the best processes to convert your files to digital.

Wide Variety of Options

Whether you are a professional, hobbyist, or someone just trying to keep family memories intact, we have a range of options for you to fit your needs and desires. Many companies give you one straight price. We give you price with options so that you are nont paying more for what you really need.

Competitive Pricing

After meeting all the above needs for our clients, our rock-bottom prices should help you solidify your decision to let Mister Video convert your film and video for you! You'll find our prices much lower than the competition!

We keep up with and exceed the industry standard. Look around our website at, and you'll quickly see that we offer the best value in the industry!

$0.49/slide at 2000dpi. Enough for many.

Running A Local Shop?

If so, we even provide outsourcing services to these types of shops that don't necessarily have the equipment or skill to convert film and video at a professional level.

Keep your memories and even your work much more easily accessible by converting them to digital format with the help of Mister Video!

Slides to DVD: Upto 4000 DPI – Excellent Quality

Guide to Scanning Kodak Film

Scanning positive and negative film is a task that all filmmakers must do. With every film scanner, it’s possible to put a framed Kodachrome-image and scan it as a regular positive, as long as the scanner is able to have a common slide placed in it.

The majority of the time, however, the scan results are usually disappointing. Because of this, certain scanners feature a special configuration for Kodachrome models so that the results are much more satisfactory.

Here we’ll highlight Kodachrome films and how this film material has been digitalized over the years.

What is Kodachrome Film?

Before we delve into the digitization of this film, let’s understand what Kodachrome is in the first place. First of all, this film comes from the company Kodak, hence the name, as well as Kodachrome 25, Kodachrome 64 and Kodachrome 200. These numbers represent the ISO-sensitiveness of the film.

Kodachrome films all feature a high level of fineness and a high capacity of resolution, which is why it offers more details compared to other professional films. In addition, Kodachrome film has brilliant color, even after years of being stored.

Kodachrome features three black and white layers that later on turn red, green and blue. These colors don’t come to be until the development procedure takes place. It’s for this reason that Kodachrome film can’t be developed in any photo development shop. Instead, it needs to be sent directly to Kodak where it will undergo a specialized K-14 process.

There are many advantages to using Kodachrome film. A major one is that the colors of the images are all the same for various types of film. Color integrity is always guaranteed.

How to Recognize a Kodachrome Film

Kodachrome is typically recognized by its address located on the bottom side of the film. Certain abbreviations may be found, such as KM (Kodachrome 25), KR (Kodachrome 64), KL (Kodachrome 200), or P (Profi-Version).

Is Ektachrome the Same as Kodachrome?

Neither one of these films has anything to do with the other. Ektachrome is a normal film family with various rapidities, and is developed in the E-6 developing process much like other slide films. It is completely different than Kodachrome.

Scanning Kodachrome Films

Any film scanner that can digitalize regular slides can scan Kodachrome images. However, the results are usually less than par. Should Kodachrome slides be scanned with regular configuration for positives, a blueish cast will result. Also, natural greens will rarely be able to come to fruition. Refinishing will almost certainly need to be conducted. Digitalizing Kodachrome images in top quality will require special configurations during the scanning phase, as well as color profiles that are specifically adapted to Kodachrome.

One distinct feature of Kodachrome films is that black is really black. Slide scanners with a low density have major issues with the black image areas where the black shades are also strongly distinguished. To digitalize Kodachrome films in top quality, the slide scanner needs to have a high density. For those with low density, the pixel noise in the dark image areas has a negative effect, which means that single pixels may not appear to be black.

Removing Dust and Scratches During Kodachrome Scanning

Good quality scanners come equipped with the ability to remove dust and scratches. This is known as “ICE” technology, which involves an infrared light source scanning the inserted slide and identifying dust and scratches through peaks and valleys on the film. It’s important to note that this only works on color film.

The Best Film Scanner for Kodachrome Film

The ideal film scanner for Kodachrome should feature the following traits:

✓         An effective resolution of at least 3000 dpi;

✓         Software should have special configurations available for Kodachrome images;

✓         Slide scanner requires a very high density to be able to differentiate the strong black areas of the Kodachrome images;

✓         The film scanner should be able to do multiple scans to lower the pixel noise in the dark image areas.

Mr. Video Scan Services

To digitalize your slides, look no further than Mr. Video. We have the latest equipment and scanners, as well as the most up-to-date scanning procedures to ensure the highest quality results. If you’ve got slides to be digitized, be sure to mark if they are positives, negatives, or Kodachrome on the order form. You’ll need to separate the normal positives and the Kodachrome slides. Trust Mr. Video for all your slide scanning.