We try to deliver as soon as possible but doesn't have any time guarantee on it.
We use seasoned transcribers and with in a week we can turn it over to you.
We use seasoned transcribers and with in a week we can turn it over to you.
You send us a file, we evaluate the content for transcription. There is a cost for evaluation. We send you a flat rate estimate.
We also have flat rate pricing option to provide you with the exact bill amount at the time of placing the order. We will determine the exact length of the audio tape or file while placing the order and tell you how much it will cost you. The type of transcription will also be taken into consideration while calculating the billing amount.
We have a large number of transcriptionists working for us throughout the country. Thus no matter how urgent the job is, we will get it completed within stipulated period with maximum accuracy.
US Work Force Only
Transcription jobs delegated to us are executed domestically by expert professionals at very affordable prices. All our transcriptionists have English as their first language thus there is no margin for error as far as understanding regional accents, references to current events and happenings, pop culture and other things are concerned. Moreover, there is no issue of the critical data getting leaked, which usually is the case when you outsource the job overseas.
How To Order
You need to email us the file as attachment or you can send your original digital masters. Digital sound and video files can be uploaded directly using your account. For physical tapes and other form of recording media, those can be mailed to us directly.
Audio tapes which have background noise, cross talking due to many speakers in a meeting which makes it difficult to understand the speakers' word as well as voices with accent, poor English and containing words from medical records, legal terms, foreign languages, industry specific background are considered difficult audio as it requires repeated listening to understand them that’s why you would be charged extra for such type of audio files. If you want an estimate for an audio file, you can call us or email the details.
We do not guarantee time frame for difficult audio as we dont know how difficult audio will it be.
SMTPE time-stamped transcripts enable you to track the speech in an audio transcript with high precision. Using this technique, we will insert a time code at the start of the specific part of the audio and at the end. For instance, if we are transcribing a Q&A session, a time-code will be inserted at the start and a time-code at the end.
Every utterance , syllable, slang language like sorta, cuz, kinda etc or filler words like “uh”, “I mena”, “oh”, “hmmm” etc.